
Welcome to Louisiana Perch

The Louisiana Perch, we take pride in presenting a unique and exhilarating experience for racing pigeon enthusiasts. Our one loft race is designed to captivate your passion for the sport, offering a dynamic five-race series that will challenge your birds endurance and speed.

Whether you're a seasoned racer or new to the world of pigeon racing, Louisiana Perch invites you to join us on a journey filled with excitement, competition, and camaraderie.

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Accepting electronic payments with


February 10th

Accepting Birds

February 10th

June 15th

Ending Accepting Birds

June 22nd

Pull Flights

All birds will have their 9th and 10th flight pulled

June 22nd

August 26th

Start Road Training

October 31st

Opening Activation Period

100 Mile Race

October 31st

November 10th

Closing Activation Period

All activation payments must be received

November 11th

150 Mile Race

November 11th

November 18th

200 Mile Race

November 25th

250 Mile Race

November 25th

December 2nd

350 Mile Race

Start shipping birds back to breeders that won’t participate in the optional 400-Mile Race

December 8th

Shipping Birds Back

Start shipping birds back to breeders that won’t participate in the optional 400-Mile Race

December 8th


Optional 400 Mile Race

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Send Birds to

Louisiana Perch

PO Box 305

Oberlin, LA 70655

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